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Slavery News Weekly: 1 June 2017

June 1, 2017 / Media, Slavery News Weekly The Freedom Fund / @freedom_fund

Each week the Freedom Fund compiles the most insightful and timely news stories about modern slavery. Check out what we’re reading among this week’s top slavery articles.

Big data maps India’s human traffic hot spots
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 31 May 2017
An Indian charity is using big data to pinpoint human trafficking hot spots in a bid to prevent vulnerable women and girls vanishing from high-risk villages into the sex trade. Specially designed technology identifies villages that are most at risk of modern slavery, then launches local campaigns to sound the alarm.

How America’s ‘ground-zero’ for modern slavery was cleaned up by workers’ group
CNN Freedom Project, 30 May 2017
A small town in Florida used to be known as ground zero for modern day slavery in the United States. But that all changed thanks to a group of activists and farm workers who helped improve the conditions of vulnerable workers who laboured in Florida’s tomato fields.

Migrants with mobiles
The Kathmandu Post, 30 May 2017
Migrant workers are at risk of falling into situations of exploitation without access to basic information regarding employment in foreign countries. Essential information about foreign employment could be effectively disseminated through mobile phones, writes Himalaya Kharel in an oped for the Kathmandu Post.

Uganda Fights Child Marriage with job courses and kids’ clubs
News Deeply, 26 May 2017
Two years ago, Uganda launched a national strategy to cut child marriage rates, but girls are still getting married too young. Now local groups are stepping in to try to tackle the problem with community-based initiatives involving jobs, education and vocational training.

‘Will I ever get justice?’: Nepal accused of failing trafficking survivors
The Guardian, 26 May 2017
Rights groups in Nepal say they do not know of a single survivor of human trafficking who has received compensation under a law introduced a decade ago. The law guarantees compensation for trafficking victims, but only after the perpetrator has been convicted, a caveat that has left survivors facing years of traumatic court proceedings.

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Do you have a story you’d like to see featured in our roundup? Submit articles at [email protected].