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Jobs and Consultancies

The Freedom Fund is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages candidates of all backgrounds to apply for the positions listed below.

Finance Officer, London
Apply by 22 April 2024

The Freedom Fund seeks a Finance Officer to provide staff with day-to-day advice and support on finance matters to ensure that there is good understanding of and compliance with financial controls and processes. The Finance Officer will lead on accounts payable, including all cash advances and staff expenses.

Request for proposal: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the “Freedom Rising” program
Apply by 25 April 2024

The Freedom Fund is seeking to understand the impact of the approach implemented by the Freedom Rising program across India, Nepal and Brazil on its participants, their organisations, and broader antislavery movement within the program’s implementation areas.

Request for proposal: Participatory Intervention Development research on addressing child exploitation in Karamoja, Uganda
Apply by 29 April 2024

The Freedom Fund is commissioning participatory research to assist with design of interventions in the Karamoja region of Uganda, to address multiple forms of child exploitation. Applicants must have capacity to conduct field work in Karamoja, and research organisations fully or partially based in and led from Uganda will be prioritised.

Program consultant, Uganda
Apply by 30 April 2024

The Freedom Fund is offering a unique consultancy opportunity for an individual with deep knowledge of Uganda’s civil society and government systems (in particular, in the Karamoja Sub-region), especially regarding child, early, and forced marriage, and the exploitation of children. The consultant will work closely with local community representatives, civil society organizations, and government offices to co-design programming frameworks that meet the needs of local communities. Expertise in grassroots organizations, convening skills, and understanding of gender transformative approaches as well as grant management will be essential.

The Freedom Fund is committed to the importance of meaningful survivor inclusion and leadership. As such, particular consideration will be given to applicants with lived experience of trafficking and/or forms of modern slavery.