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Freedom Fund partner, Guria wins prestigious Indian government award

March 8, 2016 / In the news, Media, Blog, Northern India Ginny Baumann / @Freedom_Fund

We’re delighted to announce that our partner Guria, based in Varanasi, is being presented with an Indian government award, the Nari Shakti Puraskar 2016, for its outstanding work for welfare and wellbeing of women, on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

Since 1991, Guria has been using legal tools to fight sexual exploitation of women and girls, and providing on-going support for trafficking survivors. The award was reported in the Times of India – follow the link to read more. At the same time, Guria is receiving an Uttar Pradesh state award, the Rani Lakshmi Bai Bravery Award.

Photo: Suzanne Lee © Legatum Limited 2016