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Slavery and Abolition – then and now

July 8, 2014 / Media, Freedom Fund Updates, Op-eds, Blog Nick Grono / @nickgrono

Modern slavery is a profitable criminal enterprise that generates $150 billion in profits per year. That’s more than ten times the $13 billion in profits that the global airline industry – BA, Emirates, United and all the other airlines – made last year.

In all, 30 million people are enslaved. The varieties of this criminal trade are nearly endless, but the essence is the same: violent and coercive exploitation of the most vulnerable human beings, who are deprived of their liberty for others’ personal gain.

Slavery has existed for millennia. It was a fact of life in the UK as recently as the 18th century. Yet something remarkable happened at the end of that century – a small, visionary band of abolitionists came together and, in just two decades, succeeded in ending the trans-Atlantic trade in human beings.

Read the rest of this article published on Conservative Home.

Slavery and Abolition Wolframite and Casserite mining

Wolframite and Casserite mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.