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Slavery: A Modern Trade as featured in Philanthropy Age

January 26, 2015 / Freedom Fund Updates, Blog The Freedom Fund / @freedom_fund

Slavery is a global, criminal industry generating $150bn a year. Philanthropy Age takes a closer look at the individuals and agencies battling to see it abolished.

Basanti was 16 when she was sold into slavery. Returning from the fields where she and her mother worked, two men she knew approached her on a motorcycle. At gunpoint, they threatened both women, forcing Basanti to go with them. It was the second time she’d been kidnapped.

“They took me to the local police station, where the investigating officer of my case had arranged a car for these people to traffic me to some other place,” she says, through a translator. “Then they took me to Mumbai by train, where I was kept in confinement and raped. Finally, they sold me to someone for Rs40,0000 [about $642].”

Click here to read the full article in Philanthropy Age.

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