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Tackling Modern Slavery: Are you ready?

September 6, 2016 / Freedom Fund Updates, Blog The Freedom Fund / @freedom_fund

An article on Lexology, written by Clyde & Co LLC, provides a good overview of supply chain developments in relation to the UK Modern Slavery Act. The introductory paragraph is below with a link to the full post here.

Transparency in Supply Chains under the Modern Slavery Act – Latest Developments and Insights

A ‘soft’ September deadline is now looming for those organisations with a financial year end of 31 March 2016 and who are caught by the supply chain transparency disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA). The MSA includes landmark supply chain transparency provisions under s54 which require ‘commercial organisations’ (body corporates and partnerships) supplying goods or services with a global turnover of £36 million or more and who carry on business in the UK to publish an ‘annual slavery and human trafficking statement’ on their website.

Image credit: The Freedom Fund