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Global metrics

Measuring and sharing the impact of our work is crucial. By systematically monitoring the scale and real-world effect of our work and openly communicating the progress that we’ve made, we foster a culture of learning and accountability. Accountability to the communities that we seek to serve, to decision makers who work with us to strengthen laws, policies and processes, and to funders who entrust us with their resources.

2022-2023 Impact Report

Since our founding nine years ago, Freedom Fund partners have directly helped over 1.5 million people living in slavery or at high risk of exploitation. Millions more have been impacted by our efforts to shift government policy, corporate behaviour and social norms.

Today there is much greater awareness of modern slavery resulting in more research, investigations and legislation. We are beginning to see real progress in efforts to ensure companies eliminate forced labour from their supply chains.

Read our 2022-2023 Impact Report!

Read more about our impact in our annual Impact Report.

Global impact data