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Slavery News Weekly: 30 August 2018

August 30, 2018 / Media, Slavery News Weekly The Freedom Fund / @freedom_fund

Each week the Freedom Fund compiles the most insightful and timely news stories about modern slavery. Check out what we’re reading in this week’s roundup of top slavery articles.

Keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, where we will share the Slavery News Weekly every Thursday.

UK Somali teenagers taken ‘on holiday’ and forced into marriage
Financial Times, 27 August 2018
British Somali teenagers are being taken back to their parents’ homeland under the pretence of a holiday and then kept in detention centres before being forced into marriages.

Modern slavery campaigners turn to online exploitation
Financial Times, 27 August 2018
The growing use of social media to recruit migrant labourers highlights the increasing challenge for authorities fighting misleading and exploitative recruitment online.

Can Nepal end child marriage by 2030?
Nepali Times, 28 August 2018
37% of girls in Nepal marry before the age of 18, and 10% are still married by the age of 15. Despite the rise in the country’s female literacy, child marriage has not decreased enough.

Rohingya children could become a “lost generation” without education
Quartz, 25 August 2018
Bangladesh is prohibiting more than 380,000 Rohingya children living in refugee camps from attending school because the Bangladeshi government doesn’t want the refugees to stay permanently, according to UNICEF.

The Why to launch six documentary films about modern slavery
The Why Foundation, 28 August 2018
In October, the Why Foundation will launch the media initiative WHY SLAVERY? to increase awareness about human trafficking and modern slavery. Six documentary films will uncover the lives of men, women and children living as slaves in all corners of the world.

Learn more

For more news and updates about the Freedom Fund, visit our Newsroom. You can also view issues of our monthly slavery research bulletin here.

Do you have a story you’d like to see featured in our roundup? Submit articles at [email protected].