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Slavery News Weekly: 1 February 2018

February 1, 2018 / Media, Slavery News Weekly The Freedom Fund / @freedom_fund

Each week the Freedom Fund compiles the most insightful and timely news stories about modern slavery. Check out what we’re reading in this week’s roundup of top slavery articles.

The world’s last country to abolish slavery still isn’t doing enough to stop it
Quartz, 31 January 2018
The African Union has rebuked Mauritania for failing to prosecute the perpetrators of slavery. In a landmark ruling, the union said Mauritania failed to adequately enforce its anti-slavery laws, didn’t duly compensate two child victims of slavery and handed out lenient sentences to a family of slave owners.

Big brands from Disney to Walmart back tech startups to tackle supply chain slavery
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 30 January 2018
Humanity United, one of the Freedom Fund’s anchor donors, has partnered with major corporations and the British government to create Working Capital, a first-of-its-kind fund to invest in innovations to ensure that companies’ supply chains are free of modern slavery.

3 things Freedom Fund knows about eradicating modern slavery
Devex, 30 January 2018
Certain interventions work better than others in the fight to end modern slavery. Devex interviewed the Freedom Fund’s senior research and evaluation officer, Yuki Lo, about what’s proving to work in the global fight to end modern slavery – and what’s not.

Gov’t lifts Middle East employment travel ban
Ethiopian Reporter, 29 January 2018
On Tuesday, Ethiopia lifted the foreign employment travel ban levied on Ethiopians travelling to the Middle East in search of jobs as domestic workers. The ban went into effect four years ago following public outcry regarding the exploitative conditions faced by Ethiopian migrant workers.

Britain accused of failing in ‘basic moral duty’ to slavery victims
The Guardian, 25 January 2017
Victims of slavery who have acted as witnesses in the prosecution of their traffickers are ending up destitute and homeless on the streets of Britain, campaigners have warned.

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For more news and updates about the Freedom Fund, visit our Newsroom. You can also view issues of our monthly slavery research bulletin here.

Do you have a story you’d like to see featured in our roundup? Submit articles at [email protected].

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