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Slavery News Weekly: 22 November 2018

November 22, 2018 / Media, Slavery News Weekly The Freedom Fund / @freedom_fund

Each week the Freedom Fund compiles the most insightful and timely news stories about modern slavery. Check out what we’re reading in this week’s roundup of top slavery articles.

Keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, where we will share the Slavery News Weekly every Thursday.

Facebook under fire for posts on auction of child bride
CNN, 22 November 2018
Facebook has come under fire after posts discussing the sale of a child bride were made and shared on its site. An auction was discussed on the social media platform for a girl aged 16 or 17 in South Sudan that sought payment for her hand in marriage.

Cheap or kind? Europeans say they want clothes with a conscience
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 21 November 2018
Shoppers in western Europe care how clothes are made and want to be kind to workers and the environment when they update their wardrobe, according to a survey that shows public pressure on fashion to clean up its act.

Japan wakes up to exploitation of foreign workers as immigration debate rages
Washington Post, 21 November 2018
Japan’s Technical Intern Training Program is designed to offer foreign workers training for three to five years before sending them home. In practice, it often amounts to forced labour.

Britain’s top firms ‘wholly inadequate’ in tackling slavery, survey finds
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 19 November 2018
British companies’ efforts to tackle modern slavery remain “wholly inadequate” three years after the country introduced some of the world’s toughest legislation on the issue, a study published by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre found.

Indian Nobel laureate wants global treaty to tackle online child abuse
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 16 November 2018
Nobel peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi called on Friday for a United Nations convention on online child sex abuse and trafficking, saying an international law is the only way to end the global scourge.

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Do you have a story you’d like to see featured in our roundup? Submit articles at [email protected].