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Slavery News Weekly: 25 October 2018

October 25, 2018 / Media, Slavery News Weekly The Freedom Fund / @freedom_fund

Each week the Freedom Fund compiles the most insightful and timely news stories about modern slavery. Check out what we’re reading in this week’s roundup of top slavery articles.

Keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, where we will share the Slavery News Weekly every Thursday.

World backs data ‘revolution’ in global anti-slavery drive
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 24 October 2018
A global agreement to map and count the victims of forced labour is a landmark that activists say will revolutionise efforts to free millions of people around the world from modern slavery.

Will sex trafficking survivors find their voice in India’s #MeToo movement?
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 23 October 2018
As India’s #Metoo movement gains ground, campaigners hope sex trafficking survivors will feel more empowered to speak out about their experiences, which could raise awareness of the crime and help convict perpetrators.

Marks & Spencer tops list of major British firms tackling modern slavery
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 23 October 2018
Major retailer Marks & Spencer (MKS.L) topped a list on Tuesday ranking Britain’s biggest businesses on their efforts to tackle modern slavery, yet labour experts urged the country’s top 100 companies to be more transparent and lead by example globally.

Award-winning film casts light on ‘vicious cycle’ of sex trafficking
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 23 October 2018
An award-winning film about a Nigerian woman trapped in the sex trade in Austria aims to shine a light on the cycle of abuse and poverty fuelling sexual slavery, the director said.

Nestle, Cargill again face suit by slavery survivors in cocoa fields
Bloomberg, 23 October 2018
Six former child slaves from Mali who accused food producers Nestle SA and Cargill Inc. of aiding and abetting their forced labour in African cocoa fields won a fresh chance at making their case in a U.S. court.

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Do you have a story you’d like to see featured in our roundup? Submit articles at [email protected].